Saturday, October 25, 2008

My behavior --- Is it right?

I receive emails in which people from all over the world share, discuss and ask some thing. There are generally related to the office for which I work websites which I moderate and information which I have and share on different forum.
These queries and emails are written in a very nice manner. I try my best to reply each and every email.
Today I got an email from some one (Potential buyer) who has not mentioned his name. He/She wants me to write on three different questions. I sent an email of reply as follows:
“Salaam! I do not feel comfortable to share my time, energy and information
with a person who avoids to share his name with me. Sorry! Regards, Hussain Kaisrani”
Now I am thinking whether my reply was right or not. Any suggestions or comments?

1 comment:

  1. You don't need to ask us. You seem to good spirits.

    But, since you have asked, I'll not betray you as you did to that 'unnamed' person. I think, personally, you should have. Why? Only for one reason: He needed your help.
